Comment 4 for bug 1996267

Revision history for this message
Nathan Teodosio (nteodosio) wrote :

> According to the chromium documented cited, this is wrong.

Maybe it's a different way of interpreting the terminology.

If it applied a rot13 to your password (of course that would be very stupid but it's just for the sake of the argument) and stored that in a file, I could say that it is stored in plain text and that however they aren't stored in the clear, i.e. they are not stored exactly as they are, there is some sort of transformation*, trivial or not, applied to them.

Otherwise, you could prove me wrong by pointing to the file where you see Chromium password stored in the clear.

> For many people an autoconnect for the password-manager-service would probably solve this

Then you're welcome to follow up in [1], in which the automatic connection of the interface has been declined. I cannot override the policy reviewers' decision.

*I think the transformation is the one Evan Carroll describes in LP:2038875.
