Comment 0 for bug 1903893

Revision history for this message
Coeur Noir (coeur-noir) wrote : Notifications from Chromium snap show generic icon


Notification coming from Chromium web browser ( as a snap ) show generic icon instead of favicon or website icon or any website picture.

For reference

It's *not* specific to ( Ubuntu ) Budgie. And to some extent might affect any chromium snap based web browser.

Interesting insight in second link, quoting :

« Chromium based browser notifications pop up with broken icon images. This is due to the fact these browsers prefix the icon name in the notification with "file:///". Furthermore, snap based chromium browsers save the temporary icon in the snap, and don't pass the correct path to Raven. If the icon names start with "file:///", clearing the icon name fixes both of these issues by allowing the browsers to show the correct image (same as Firefox does), and allows the snaps to default to the fallback "mail-unread-symbolic" icon, instead of showing a broken image icon. This fix also should have absolutely no effect on any other notifications. »