Comment 6 for bug 1718885

Revision history for this message
Chris Darroch (cdarroch) wrote : Re: chromium doesn't start in guest session (xubuntu 16.04)

All nine of our kiosks, running a mix of Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS and 16.04.3 LTS, are now exhibiting this bug. So we can definitely reproduce it on a mix of hardware and software. Uninstalling and reinstalling Chromium did not help.

Here's someone else's forum post on the same topic too:

As the original bug report notes, it only affects guest session users, not regular users. While logged in as a regular user, though, it can be demonstrated by trying to run Chromium via the lightdm-guest-session:

$ /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-guest-session /usr/bin/chromium-browser
/usr/lib/chromium-browser/chromium-browser: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Now *is* provided as part of the Chromium install, under /usr/lib/chromium-browser/, and simply copying it to a standard directory allows Chromium to launch via the guest session:

$ sudo cp /usr/lib/chromium-browser/ /usr/lib/x86_64_linux_gnu
$ /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-guest-session /usr/bin/chromium-browser
[Chromium launches]

Obviously, that's not an ideal solution.

I also found that disabling AppArmor's profile for the LightDM guest session allowed the above test to succeed (i.e., to launch Chromium):

$ sudo apparmor_parser -R /etc/apparmor.d/lightdm-guest-session
$ /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-guest-session /usr/bin/chromium-browser
[Chromium launches]

Or, editing out the #include statement in /etc/apparmor.d/lightdm-guest-session which includes the sub-profile /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/lightdm_chromium-browser and then reloading AppArmor also worked:

[comment out #include of abstractions/lightdm_chromium-browser in lightdm-guest-session]
$ sudo apparmor_parser -r /etc/apparmor.d/lightdm-guest-session
$ /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-guest-session /usr/bin/chromium-browser
[Chromium launches]

Interestingly, nothing is captured in /var/log/kern.log; there's no obvious error message here.

Digging into the /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/lightdm_chromium-browser configuration, it looks like the Chromium binary is executed with the "Cx" settings, e.g.:

/usr/lib/chromium-browser/chromium-browser Cx -> chromium

According to the man page (, the "Cx" setting means "transition to subprofile on execute -- scrub the environment".

Now, the /usr/bin/chromium-browser shell script has some code which sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include /usr/lib/chromium-browser, precisely so that can be located by the runtime linker.

My guess, therefore, is that the AppArmor sub-profile for Chromium is causing LD_LIBRARY_PATH to be scrubbed from the environment, so can not be located at runtime.

One other oddity is why all our LTS machines (both 14.04 and 16.04) now have in /usr/lib/chromium-browser, not /usr/lib/chromium-browser/libs. But when I checked with dpkg-query, the former (/usr/lib/chromium-browser/ is definitely what was listed, and that's where the shared library was installed.