Comment 74 for bug 1689825

Revision history for this message
Byte Commander (bytecommander) wrote : Re: gnome-keyring not unlocked on boot

Seems to me like `dbus-user-session` was the real culprit causing all the trouble.
I got it installed with anbox and that is when the problem started.

I got my keyring daemon to correctly start, the Login keyring to unlock automatically while still being encrypted with my account password again this way:

- Purge `dbus-user-session`, e.g. by running `sudo apt purge dbus-user-session`
- Revert files in `/etc/pam.d` back to their original state. I had commented out a line in `/etc/pam.d/lightdm` to work around the `gnome-keyring-daemon` not starting in the correct mode issue.
- Set my account password on the Login keyring again (using seahorse). I had removed the password and left the keyring unprotected to avoid being asked for the password each session.
- Set my user account password to something completely different and then back to my normal password using the `passwd` command. Before doing this, it seemed like the Login keyring and account password weren't yet synced correctly despite being equal. When I rebooted before the `passwd`, it still asked for the keyring password to be entered manually.
- Reboot. On my next login, it asked for the Login keyring password to be entered manually one last time, but offered a checkbox to enable unlocking that keyring automatically on boot, which I checked.

After this procedure, my system seems to be as good as new again. Running 16.04 with vanilla Unity desktop and lightdm btw.