Comment 56 for bug 1689825

Revision history for this message
Chris (syphist) wrote : Re: gnome-keyring not unlocked on boot

It may not be flatpak on its own, but the machine I installed (and later removed and purged) flatkpak on this problem exists. (So a correlation does seem to exist) It might have something to do with other PPAs or how packages you install from external PPAs affect the system. The only major changes I made with the system around the time this happened was installing flatpak (and monodevelop through it), wine updating to 2.11 staging, and some retroarch cores updating. Also it might be worth looking into how exactly the gnome-keyring-daemon is started on login to see if there is a manual edit to some file that could resolve this issue. Sadly I don't have much else to offer other than that I am using Xubuntu 16.04.2 and have decided that the best temporary fix is to just enter my password in a second time by automatically starting the keyring daemon on startup.