Comment 0 for bug 1631763

Revision history for this message
Michel-Ekimia (michel.ekimia) wrote :

We all know the Web support of an operating system is becoming more and more important for users.

The situation right now in terms of browser Performance and power consumption of GNU/Linux is not really in a good shape compared to the 2 other competitors : Windows and Mac OSX.

Windows 10 : Microsoft has shown how its integrated browser is more efficient and less hungry on power consumption than other browsers.

Mac OSX: Safari is also showing a great power consumption and integrated features.

SO this bug is to track progress for an integrated browser for Ubuntu ( can be firefox, chromium, something else ) that would out of the box :

- Use GPU for video decoding

- Use GPU for Web 3D rendering like webGL

- integrate as much as possible EME HTML5 for DRM support (like firefox 49 for netflix)

Please suggest other features in the comments