Comment 6 for bug 1466670

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Emmeran (emmeran) wrote :

First of, thank You, @cmiller, for maintaining this package!
I can understand your motivation to disable GPU rendering in Chromium, but I suspect that you yourself don't use WebGL apps a lot. I'm a developer, too, and WebGL is the centerpiece of some of my projects. WebGL is a very useful thing that I imagine grows in popularity fast. Maybe I'm biased due to my occupation, but in my opinion, WebGL is a very important feature of Chromium, that should not be disabled if at all possible. Especially not without any notification to the users and without any way to turn it back on.

Events like Chromium suddently not having WebGL support any more are turning people away from using Linux. I think to disable it is a big mistake and should be reverted immediately. Honestly I'm surprised there's not more outrage about this. At least use the "Disable WebGL" flag in chrome://flags - the average user is not gonna turn it back on themselves.

If you want to prevent crash logs from WebGL surely there must be another way, like filtering the crash reports for WebGL related issues. I'm not sure how crash reporting is implemented, but I trust that it should be doable. By the way, WebGL can be very stable. At least it is for me. I don't know why it's generating so many crash reports. Maybe it's bad graphics cards, bad drivers or bad code, but it's not like WebGL itself is unusable or very unstable for everyone.

I'm wondering why it's only Chromium giving you so many crash reports. Do Firefox and Chrome not report crashes, are they less used, handling crashes internally or just not crashing in the first place?

I hope this can be resolved soon.