Comment 5 for bug 10856

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Scott Beamer (angrykeyboarder) wrote :

"I don't necessarily expect to do anything about it any time soon (at present we're using, which is sort of an OK arrangement although not perfect)."

What is ""? Is that a round-robin bouncer of some sort? I've never noticed it in a sources.list file.

Do all the * mirrors use this?

All I know is when I take a look at the extensive list of Ubuntu mirrors (on Launchpad or the wiki) that many out there are taking the time, money and resources to voluntarily maintain for us, we should put them to use. :)

I suspect the overwhelming majority of *Ubuntu users stick with the defaults they get at at the outset.

I personally change mine to one of the mirrors that is (luckily) located in the same city as I am. Needless to say it's much faster than any * site (more often than not).

In addition, the default sources.list file keeps the default archive regardless of what official Ubuntu mirror is used (at least in the case of those otherwise with anyway). I find is often quite slow. And (as well as the other mirrors - those I've seen anyway-) mirror the security archive as well.

For example, (at the very least) those who indicate they are in the United States at the initial Ubuntu install should have something like.:

deb xxxx-security ..........
deb-src xxxx-security ..........

instead of...

deb xxxx-security ..........
deb-src xxxx-security .......... their sources.list file.

That way security updates would come from the same site as the default, backports, proposed and updates archives and they would very likely have quicker downloads.

One thing I've noticed though, is that when I switch everything from an * domain they are treated as "third party archives" in synaptic/gnome-app-install/update-manager/software-properties-gtk. This implies these aren't sources of official Ubuntu packages.

Perhaps that should be a separate bug (if it's not already)?