Comment 13 for bug 839745

Revision history for this message
Stéphane Graber (stgraber) wrote :

Forgot to mention, sorry.

I reviewed and uploaded both of these debdiffs yesterday. Should have unsubscribed sponsors after that.

For the record (for the SRU team), here's the discussion I had with Martin and Marc on IRC:
15:19 < pitti> mgariepy: hello
15:19 < mgariepy> hello,
15:19 < mgariepy> that was fast :)
15:20 < pitti> mgariepy: your comment is a little unclear, does that mean that it's already fixed in oneiric?
15:20 < pitti> you said for oneiric you only want a manpage fix (which is a separate bug from "translations not working")
15:20 < stgraber> hey pitti! we don't see you around here much :)
15:20 < mgariepy> so as i commented on the bug, the only difference would be the manpage change
15:20 < pitti> stgraber: mgariepy asked me to join
15:21 < stgraber> oh, that sounds like chemtool
15:21 < pitti> mgariepy: so this bug should then be marked as "fix released" in oneiric then?
15:21 < mgariepy> in oneiric it's not fixed.
15:22 < pitti> so, I'm confused
15:22 < mgariepy> ok, so the first patch 554084 is to apply a patch that is already applied to chemtool but outside of the packaging
15:24 < pitti> mgariepy: my objection is that fixes tons of unrelated stuff
15:24 < pitti> like, linking, etc.
15:24 < pitti> or adding quilt, which is even wrong
15:24 < pitti> (as it's a 3.0 source)
15:24 < pitti> + * debian/control (Build-Depends): add quilt to build-depends
15:24 < pitti> + * debian/rules: Add to rules
15:24 < pitti> this is really wrong these days
15:25 < stgraber> is it 3.0? I seem to remember it not being 3.0
15:25 < pitti> at least in precise; I don't have an oneiric chroot
15:26 * stgraber checks
15:26 < mgariepy> chemtool in oneiric is only a copy of natty
15:27 < stgraber> pitti: the package switched to 3.0 in Debian with the sync I requested last week in Precise
15:27 < stgraber> pitti: so Natty and Oneiric aren't 3.0
15:27 < pitti> ah, ok
15:28 < stgraber> and had an in-line patch (to MakeFile) that got moved to a debian/patches patch in Debian, that's why I suggested mgariepy unapplies it and uses the one from
                  Debian so diffing Oneiric to Precise is easier
15:28 < stgraber> we can probably keep it in-line, but I usually don't like these when you have more than one patch applied
15:29 < stgraber> the other extra patch (the one changing the bitmaps) is required for Oneiric as the current package only works because it's a copy from Natty, a no-change
                  rebuild of Oneiric's current package would segfault at startup
15:31 < pitti> stgraber: ah, ok; so ok for me to add quilt, so this probably just needs some changelog cleanup and removal of unrelated stuff
15:31 < pitti> I sub'ed sponsors again
15:31 < pitti> but can't handle it any more, need to run for today
15:32 < stgraber> pitti: ok, thanks
15:32 < stgraber> pitti: I may just do it, last week was kind of busy but this one is much better. Thanks for the review and the comments!
15:32 < pitti> thanks
15:33 -!- pitti [~pitti@ubuntu/member/pitti] has left #edubuntu ["WeeChat 0.3.6"]
15:34 < stgraber> mgariepy: ok, so I guess the idea is to drop the manpage from the changes and update the changelog a bit
15:35 < mgariepy> ok..
15:36 < mgariepy> je vais le faire mais je ne sais pas quand.
15:36 < stgraber> For natty, I'd go with something like:
15:36 < stgraber> * Cherry-pick bugfixes from Debian
15:36 < stgraber> - Fix gettext support initialization (LP: #839745)
15:36 < stgraber> * Move existing in-line changes to to a patch
15:36 < stgraber> * Add quilt patch system
15:37 < stgraber> For Oneiric, something like this should do the trick:
15:37 < stgraber> * Cherry-pick bugfixes from Debian
15:37 < stgraber> - Fix gettext support initialization (LP: #839745)
15:37 < stgraber> - Fix XPM color entries in bitmap1.h (crash at startup when package is rebuilt on Oneiric)
15:37 < stgraber> * Move existing in-line changes to to a patch
15:38 < stgraber> * Add quilt patch system
15:38 < stgraber> that should be minimal enough for the SRU team to be happy :)
15:41 < mgariepy> yeah.
15:42 < mgariepy> i'll do that when i have time.
15:42 < mgariepy> thanks pour ton aide stgraber
15:42 < stgraber> np