Comment 15 for bug 1978757

Revision history for this message
You-Sheng Yang (vicamo) wrote : Re: Can't playback preview on Intel IPU6 camera platform

It seems to me there is a problem in the pipewiresrc that it closes/reopens the device every 3 seconds, while the gstreamer v4l2src works just fine.

1. add `debug=3` to /etc/modprobe.d/v4l2-relayd.conf, reboot to take effect

2. list supported media device:

  $ gst-device-monitor-1.0 Video/Source
  Probing devices...
  Device found:

  name : Intel MIPI Camera
          object.path = v4l2:/dev/video0
  gst-launch-1.0 pipewiresrc path=34 ! ...

2. for pipewiresrc, run:

  $ GST_DEBUG=2,pipewiresrc:5 gst-launch-1.0 pipewiresrc path=34 ! videoconvert ! xvimagesink

   for v4l2src, run:

  $ GST_DEBUG=2,v4l2src:5 gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src device=/dev/video0 ! videoconvert ! xvimagesink

3. The v4l2src behaves well while pipewiresrc gives a blank screen.