Comment 0 for bug 1302615

Revision history for this message
Brendan Donegan (brendan-donegan) wrote :

We propose to add a new feature to the Checkbox UI, which will allow the user to send their test results to the Launchpad Hardware Database ( The UI will be changed to ask for the users Launchpad email address at the end of testing. After submitting they will see a response indicating whether submission was succesful or if some error occured.

N.B. This reinstates a feature that was in Checkbox in previous releases, but was removed during Trusty development due to re-implementation of the Checkbox core and UI.

This feature is considered beneficial as it will mean users will continue being able to send test reports to Launchpad, which may at a later date be used for currently undefined purposes (a past use has been to drive the Ubuntu Friendly database).

The visible UI changes (warranting a UIFe) are in checkbox-gui, but in order for this feature to work fully, the following syncs will need to be done from Debian:

- plainbox 0.5.3
- checkbox-ng 0.3
- plainbox-provider-checkbox 0.4

Testing that has been performed as of now:

- Package builds
- Package installs on Trusty
- Submit to Launchpad feature works, and no noticable regressions occur
  in regular usage of Checkbox