Comment 15 for bug 1407954

Revision history for this message
Kevin Cole (kjcole) wrote :

First, problem solved(?), though not exactly sure how or if it's permanently solved, or if I've bollixed things up so much that I'll eventually need to reinstall from scratch.

To answer your request for more info:

dbus was already installed, and "/etc/init.d/dbus status || sudo /etc/init.d/dbus start"
had no apparent effect. That was several days ago, and the problems remained.

I converted to systemd originally following instructions in: and later in:
changing GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"
to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash init=/lib/systemd/systemd"
in /etc/defaults/grub
then later changing it back.

At various points, I attemted to remove systemd packages that appeared to have zero or relatively few dependencies, and reinstalled upstart, to no avail.

Today, I went back to systemd again, reinstalled systemd-sysv, and did

systemctl start dbus.service
systemctl enable dbus.service
systemctl start leapd
systemctl enable leapd
systemctl start epmd.service
systemctl enable epmd.service
systemctl start rabbitmq-server.service
systemctl enable rabbitmq-server.service
systemctl daemon-reload

leapd.service for the Leap Motion was found in and two different rabbitmq-server.service files were found, one in
and the other in I am currently using the later.

Starting and enabling epmd was new this go-around today. I think previously, I had done all the other steps.