Comment 0 for bug 1969775

Revision history for this message
Liam Young (gnuoy) wrote :

 * ceph-iscsi on Focal talking to a Pacific or later Ceph cluster

 * rbd-target-api service fails to start if there is a blocklist
   entry for the unit.

 * When the rbd-target-api service starts it checks if any of the
   ip addresses on the machine it is running on are listed as
   blocked. If there are entries it tries to remove them. When it
   issues the block removal command it checks stdout from the
   removal command looking for the string `un-blacklisting`.
   However from Pacific onward a successful unblocking returns
   `un-blocklisting` instead (

[Test Plan]

 If an existing ceph-iscsi deployment is available then skip to
 step 3.

 1) Deploy the bundle below (tested with OpenStack provider).

series: focal
    charm: cs:ceph-iscsi
    num_units: 2
    charm: ch:ceph-osd
    num_units: 3
      osd-devices: 'cinder,10G'
      osd-devices: '/dev/test-non-existent'
      source: yoga
    channel: latest/edge
    charm: ch:ceph-mon
    num_units: 3
      monitor-count: '3'
      source: yoga
    channel: latest/edge
  - - 'ceph-mon:client'
    - 'ceph-iscsi:ceph-client'
  - - 'ceph-osd:mon'
    - 'ceph-mon:osd'

 2) Connect to ceph-iscsi unit:

juju ssh -m zaza-a1d88053ab85 ceph-iscsi/0

 3) Stop rbd-target-api via systemd to make test case clearer:

sudo systemctl stop rbd-target-api

 4) Add 2 blocklist entries for this unit (due to another issue the ordering of the output from `osd blacklist ls` matters which can lead to the reproduction of this bug being intermittent. To avoid this add two entries which ensures there is always an entry for this node in the list of blocklist entries to be removed).

sudo ceph -n client.ceph-iscsi --conf /etc/ceph/iscsi/ceph.conf osd blacklist add $(hostname --all-ip-addresses | awk '{print $1}'):0/1
sudo ceph -n client.ceph-iscsi --conf /etc/ceph/iscsi/ceph.conf osd blacklist add $(hostname --all-ip-addresses | awk '{print $1}'):0/2
sudo ceph -n client.ceph-iscsi --conf /etc/ceph/iscsi/ceph.conf osd blacklist ls
  listed 2 entries 2022-02-23T11:14:54.850352+0000 2022-02-23T11:14:52.502592+0000

 5) Attempt to start service:

sudo /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/rbd-target-api

At this point the process should be running in the foreground but instead
it will die. The log from the service will have an entry like:

2022-04-21 12:35:21,695 CRITICAL [] - blacklist removal failed. Run 'ceph -n client.ceph-iscsi --conf /etc/ceph/iscsi/ceph.conf osd blacklist rm'

[Where problems could occur]

 * Problems could occur with the service starting as this blocklist check is done at startup.

 * Blocklist entries could fail to be removed.