Comment 0 for bug 234185

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Hans Deragon (deragon) wrote :

I wrote a script to copy all the files from Hardy Heron (08.04) Live CD and Alternate CD to a USB flash drive. The Live CD works flawlessly.

However, the Alternate CD fails to mount the "cdrom". This is because cdrom-detect.postinst does not try to look for disk partitions.

By adding `list-devices partition` in the list of devices to probe, and by adding an additional mount command for vfat, I managed to get the Alternate CD working from a USB flash drive.

Attached, a patch to fix the issue. Please consider introducing this fix soon and release a new Alternate CD with it. I plan to make my script available and it would be nice to have a proper working Alternate CD for USB flash drives. Users should not have to mess with initrd to get this working.

P.S.: If you have a suggestion about a good place to make this script public, please write to me in an email.

       Also, my solution partially resolves:

       I have USB images of 1G which can be `dd` to a USB flash drive.

[ keywords: alternate cd usb flash key stick pen pendrive drive ]