Comment 8 for bug 40767

Revision history for this message
Tollef Fog Heen (tfheen) wrote :

   [ Tollef Fog Heen ]
   * Turn on debugging of the X config.
   * Log to a file which gets copied to /var/log/casper.log. Malone: #39895
   * Only pick UTF-8 locales. Malone: #40178
   * Use correct /root rather than /target for seeing what version of
     gnome-panel-data is installed.
   * Make festival (and probably some other apps) happier by using for our ubuntu hostname and just resolves to
   * Make casper-md5check read from tty8 since it wants to get keypresses
     from the active console (where usplash runs). Malone: #40490.
   * Copy /etc/modules when installing with ubiquity. Malone: #40311
   * /etc/gdm/gdm-cdd.conf can be a symlink. Cope with that. Malone: #40767
   [ Colin Watson ]
   * ubiquity-casper conflicts/replaces espresso-casper.