Comment 7 for bug 2046500

Revision history for this message
Simon Quigley (tsimonq2) wrote :

> I currently choose to lean towards taking comment, loosely, as a joke.

You're right. I have to be firm, but I mean no fighting words. You all are friends. :)

> [...]

So, we're basing it off of boot-repair, which wasn't in the Ubuntu archive last time I checked (which admittedly, has been a while)? (Open to fixing that, btw.)

I still think the manual install is intuitive enough to help in the weird edge cases.

> Thank you. I have to applaud the quick, timely and thorough response to this report from this team. I am actually very impressed with how you all have handled this one. Thank you all for your dedicated work. It is very appreciated, and not mentioned enough.

The decision was not made unilaterally, to be clear. We opened it up for discussion for quite a few hours in the Development channel, I just recognized we had to come to a conclusion on this one.

We appreciate you too :)