Comment 1 for bug 209256

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Mingming Ren (portis25) wrote :

I'd like to render my fonts in different hintstyles.

To be precise, I have chinese font and western language fonts. For the chinese font, I'd like it to be rendered in hintfull, but for other fonts, I'd prefer hintslight.

Ok, I configured in the fontconfig file, but it didn't make any change. All the fonts are in the same hintstyle, depending on the configuration in gnome-appearance-properties.

I googled for quite a long time and finally I got one solution.

In the file cairo-ft-font.c, in function _cairo_ft_options_merge, just comment the following line:

// if (options->base.hint_style == CAIRO_HINT_STYLE_DEFAULT)

and recompile, now everything works fine. The fonts are rendered according to the hintstyles configured in fontconfig.

I don't know if this is really a bug of libcairo. If I'm wrong, please accept my apology.