Comment 10 for bug 164233

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nZain (patrick-stalph) wrote : Re: [Upstream] [hardy] Exporting a background with gradient produces a stripey pdf

So, we're testing. (The attachment contains six files, three created with OpenOffice, three produced with Inkscape.)

1) If this is *not* an ooo bug, gradients produced with other programs should have the same issue: not the case. Create a gradient with inkscape, store as pdf - looks fine in all viewers. (attached: is.pdf)

2) Maybe inkscape produces the pdf differently? Not the case. Create a gradient in ooo, store as svg (attached: ooo.svg). Open with inkscape and you see a wierd gradient in inkscape (no fine stripes, but large blurry ones). Interestingly, the text stored from OOo is missing. Export as pdf (attached: ooo.svg-is.pdf) and you get the exact same stripes as directly exporting from ooo, but this time without text.

3) Lets do it the other way around. Create gradient with inkscape, store as svg (attached: is.svg). Open with OpenOffice, ohm... actually I get an empty (white) background and a large green block (the font in inkscape was green). The export to pdf reveals a little more, that is an inverted gradient plus the green block (attached: is.svg-ooo.pdf).

4) For the sake of completeness, I also included the original issue, that is, creating the gradient in OOo and exporting as pdf (attached: ooo.pdf).

Conclusion: There's a lot of stuff going wrong.
- OpenOffice produces wierd gradients (not only in PDF, but also SVG).
- OpenOffice can't open Inkscape produced SVG files properly... I should file another bug for this, actually I didn't expect it. But I don't have the time right now.
- Inkscape does not find/display the text stored in OOo (another bug? Oh my.)