Comment 17 for bug 1448418

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Dominique Dejammes (dominique-dejammes) wrote :

Hi all,

I am having the same issue on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. I am not able to logout.
Juhala actually gave me an interesting clue.

I notice that:
   gnome-session-quit --logout doesn't work

   gnome-session-quit --logout --no-prompt works well.

So may be, it doesn't work because the system is waiting for a confirmation dialog to be closed.
That's why the first time you launched the previous command, nothing happens and the next times, the following error occurs:
   Error org.gnome.SessionManager.NotInRunning: Logout interface is only available during the Running phase

On my environment, there is a workaround if you don't mind not having a confirmation dialog before logout. You have to deactivate the prompt. In order to implement that, you can add the following line :

   gsettings set org.gnome.SessionManager logout-prompt false

at the end of ~/.bashrc