Comment 3 for bug 702869

Revision history for this message
Mahyuddin Susanto (udienz) wrote :

Fixed in precise:

cacti (0.8.7i-2) unstable; urgency=3Dlow

  * Cherry-pick upstream patches
    - debian/patches/10_settings_checkbox.patch
  * debian/patches/05_no-adodb.patch: Updates, add semicolon at line 190.
    (Closes: #653863)
  * Updated last changelog to mention security bug.

cacti (0.8.7i-1) unstable; urgency=3Dlow

  * New upstream release. (Closes: #642971)
    - Fix Ping query. (Closes: #616320, #561488)
    - Fix SQL injection issue in auth_login.php (Closes: #652371) this is
  * debian/control:
    - Bump Standard-Version to 3.9.2, no source changes.
    - Change Maintainer to pkg-cacti. (Closes: #613857)
    - Add Sean and myself as uploaders.
    - Change Vcs-* to pkg-cacti.
  * debian/copyright: Rewriting as per dep5 format.
  * debian/source: Added to mentioning quilt patch system.
  * debian/README.source: Deleted, not needed anymore
  * debian/patches/09_use-utf8.patch: Use UTF-8 while creating database and
    producing RRD, Thanks to Slavko <email address hidden>. (Closes: #604395)
  * Refreshed pathces:
    - debian/patches/01_config.php.patch
    - debian/patches/05_no-adodb.patch
    - debian/patches/06_config_settings.php_cactid_path.patch
    - debian/patches/07_cli-include-path.patch (Closes: #604396)
    - debian/patches/08_563955_local_data_id.patch (Closes: #563955)
  * Drop patches apllied upstream:
    - data_source_deactivate.patch
    - graph_list_view.patch
    - html_output.patch
    - ldap_group_authenication.patch
    - ping.patch
    - poller_interval.patch
    - script_server_command_line_parse.patch
  * Add Lighttpd support:
    - debian/docs: updated
    - debian/cacti.lighttpd.conf: added
    - debian/cacti.{postinst|postrm|templates}: updated