Comment 16 for bug 191731

Revision history for this message
Rexbard (john-klinger) wrote : Re: Memory problems prevent branch of large svn repositories

I tried again, with mixed results. In the end, I was unable to fully check out the repository with which I originally reported this Bug.

Running with bzr 1.10 and bzr-svn 0.5.0.rc.1.

First few runs died after many hours (7, 8, 12) due to network dropouts.

I then created a local svn mirror and tried using bzr-svn on that repository. Some of these issues are already documented as bugs. Since I'm using the bzr-svn release candidate, I'll document them here anyway.

(1) "http://svn+http" noted as deprecated, but "http://" doesn't work [Bug #268553]
$ bzr branch svn+http://<host>/repoPath/trunk/subDirName localName
The svn+ syntax is deprecated, use http://<host>/repoPath/trunk/subDirName instead.

$ bzr branch http://<host>/repoPath/trunk/subDirName localName
bzr: ERROR: Invalid http response for http://<host>/repoPath/trunk/subDirName/.bzr/branch-format: Unable to handle http code 503: expected 200 or 404 for full response.

(2) Cannot resume an interrupted branch. This is tough when the branch dies after 12 hours of work [Bug #116148, Bug #125067]

(3) System didn't crash from out of memory, which is a definite improvement. However, the system became unusable during operation. I reniced the process a couple of times to allow me some access to the system. I ran a top in parallel, polling every minute. The max CPU was 100%, max memory was 1.3g [68.3%]. Included is the top for the last run.

(4) After about 8 hours [344 minutes of CPU], the branch operation ultimately failed with an AssertionError [No bug found]. I received the same error running under an "init-repo --rich-root-pack" and a straight branch into a new directory.

bzr: ERROR: exceptions.AssertionError: Tried registering <RevisionMetadata for revision 350, path trunk in repository '3282bf91-d132-0410-b1ef-d2f8e70e1952'> as parent while <RevisionMetadata for revision 355, path trunk in repository '3282bf91-d132-0410-b1ef-d2f8e70e1952'> already was parent for <RevisionMetadata for revision 356, path trunk in repository '3282bf91-d132-0410-b1ef-d2f8e70e1952'>

Enclosed is the bzr.log for the final run containing the Assert error. It is slightly sanitized for file and host names.