Comment 0 for bug 1898427

Revision history for this message
fossfreedom (fossfreedom) wrote :


First raised as part of this fix That speculative fix did not resolve matters and has been dropped as part of this upload

Upstream ( bug-reports:

    #685 System Tray Icons too far apart on HiDPI
    #1037 Tray Applet Padding Setting
    #1210 artefacts with trays on bar (maybe? hard to tell)
    #1243 System tray blinking when panel transparency is set to "Dynamic"
    #1249 System tray icon backgrounds not refreshing
    #1271 Status icon does not get hidden
    #1419 System tray applet in the top panel doesn't show up after sleep
    #1420 System tray applet doesn't show up when added
    #1932 System tray icons are far apart

 * This is a very noticeable visual issue to users that have the system-tray applet added to their budgie-panel

 * This affects 20.04 users - it has been uploaded to 20.10 for several weeks now.

 * Upstream resolved this by removing the old na-tray system tray applet from their code-base and replacing the applet with "carbontray" i.e. it is a ground up replacement. Over the many years of this issue many attempts have been tried to resolve but upstream decided to a rewrite was needed.

 * this upload backports the number of patches developed.

[Test Case]

 * This is actually not an easy bug report to reproduce on demand. In general, add the system tray applet to your panel via budgie-desktop-settings. Certain applications display their icon in the system tray e.g. network manager applet, hexchat, ibus-preferences

 * Suspend for 10 minutes or more and resume. Repeat several times. Observe the system tray in each cycle - sometimes the icons in the system tray will display with a black background. Other times icons can be combined (overlayed) with each other. Sometimes the issue can be observed by first logon after a reboot. It rarely is observed by logging out and logging in

 * Next enable the proposed repository in Update Sources (software-properties-gtk) - choose the reload option when prompted. Then install the following packages to update:

   sudo apt install budgie-desktop budgie-core libbudgie-plugin0 libbudgietheme0 libbudgie-private0 gir1.2-budgie-desktop-1.0

 * Reboot and login. Observe the system tray to ensure icons display correctly. Next repeat the suspend/resume cycle for several times and again observe the system tray displays its icons correctly. Additionally reboot and login - cycle this reboot/login cycle for several times.

[Regression Potential]

 * The largest risk I suppose is introducing potential instability into the budgie-panel i.e. crashes. This could come from some unknown issue not yet captured or found upstream i.e. specific to Ubuntu 20.04 or not capturing the full extent of the applet rewritten code from upstream.

 * This risk has been mitigated by
   - ensuring the patch is identical to upstream code base (diff -r src/applets/tray ../budgie-desktop/src/applets/tray)
   - running with the fix for several weeks and observe if there are any new apport-bug reports (/var/crash) for budgie-desktop. At the time of writing this, I have personally been doing this for 3 weeks now.
   - Additionally - these changes have been tested for several weeks via Debian Testing, 20.10, Solus Project. No adverse reports have been noted.

 * In the advent of regression the user can remove the system tray applet from their panel. It is optional in Ubuntu Budgie 20.04 and not added to a users panel by default.

[Other Info]

 * N/A