Comment 0 for bug 1970789

Revision history for this message
Rob Somerville (linuxgreybeard) wrote : Microsoft Code PlatformIO extension conflicts with brltty Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

When using the PlatformIO extension within Microsoft Code to upload firmware to a ESP32 based microcontroller attached via USB, the upload fails with the following repeated error messages in syslog:

"brltty: Ignored Byte: xx" Where xx is a different hexadecimal value.

The problem manifests itself with a timeout and a "Looking for upload port...
Error: Please specify `upload_port` for environment or use global `--upload-port` option." message in PlatformIO.

This error was not present in Ubuntu prior to upgrading to 22.04.

Steps taken to resolve:

1. Changed USB cable between powered hub and microcontroller
2. Attempted upload with USB hub powered off
3. Attempted upload from other USB ports
4. Defined USB port microcontroller is connected to in platform.ini by adding "upload_port = /dev/ttyUSB0"

Current workaround:

Uninstall the brltty package:

"sudo apt remove brltty"