Comment 69 for bug 780117

Revision history for this message
Thomas Schmitt (scdbackup) wrote :


i wrote:
> > cdrskin -tao padsize=300k -v dev=/dev/sr0 blank=as_needed -eject image.iso

 Austin Dempewolff wrote:
> Done, worked great. Stdout attached.

I assume you tested full readability afterwards.

That cdrskin command is supposed to do quite the same with libburn
as Brasero does. One difference is the end padding of 300 KB,
which Brasero omits. No padding with TAO might cause read-errors
at the very end of the medium. This is known as Linux read-ahead-bug
but it does not match your problem descrption.

Did you eject and re-load the CDs which were burned with Brasero,
before you tried to read them ?
The Linux block device driver does not necessarily know that
the SG_IO driver wrote new data to the CD. So it can be that
only parts of the new data get visible and old cached data
stay visible, until you eject. Re-loading the medium then
forces the block device driver to re-assess the medium content.

Have a nice day :)
