Comment 5 for bug 319640

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David Johnston (davedcj) wrote :

hi chris,
thanks again for taking time to help.

I guess I should lodge separate bug reports for each of items 1 - 4 in my earlier update, but they are all related, so I was initially hesitant to do that.

The title of this bug report is most closely related to item 2 (sorry that this isnt exactly what I said regarding item 1 and 2, and isnt obvious by the order I listed them).
the bug is that the burner requires more than 1GB temp space to burn a 750 MB CD. my /tmp was a separate file system of 1GB and was almost empty. Once I expanded it to 3GB, brasero was able to burn CD.

please refer to earlier update item 2 -
"2) - the process seems to need more than 30% above the 750 MB that the ISO image file is likely to occupy during disc burning."

if it takes so much temp space to make a cd, I am a bit nervous about how much space I will need to burn a dvd (I may have to use a different app, but would prefer to try to help improve the one installed with ubuntu if I can by at least reporting the problem).

the other points are info which should help anyone else who has the same problem to find out how to set the brasero preferences for audio cd project by using the preferences for copy cd project button.

for the second part of your request for other info about the problem, please reread what I wrote about putting the drives key in the gconf configuration backend (more specifically into the data store, or database, it uses to hold its info). The /apps/brasero/drives didnt exist when I first opened gconf-editor. I then went to the copy cd project button in brasero and used the properties there to set temporary location, becuase the audio cd project doesnt have that properties option on its panel or in its menus or dialogues (not that I could find). After I changed the temp location for copy cd project, I reopened gconf-editor and the /apps/brasero/drives keys were there. Apparently the brasero install didnt create the /apps/brasero/drives configuration keys, although it had created others such as /apps/brasero/display. If you still dont understand what I mean after rereading the earlier comments, and would like me to try to explain better, please let me know.

whats your advice about raising separate bugs for items 1, 3, and 4 ?