Comment 77 for bug 149076

Revision history for this message
FireMan300 (jbade85) wrote :

I had suggested a while back that the problem lies not within the actual crdkit (or whatever flavor you decide to use) but that the problem lies in the kernel level interactions. If you think back to when the original bug was posted it was around time that there was a significant shift in the handling of disks and the introduction of libata (if I remember correctly), this is when the old HD(x) drives all became SD(x).

I've since posting compiled my own kernel and the problem seems to have disappeared by enabling some of the options related to drive control. I've attached my .config file for kernel pay particular attention to lines 1189-1588 these govern the drive interaction.

I'm not sure which is the magic bullet but given my results I really think this is an issue that can be resolved by adding something during kernel compilation. If this is not something in the kernel then I'd look into the interactions with libata and see where that goes.
