Comment 0 for bug 1049144

Revision history for this message
Dario Ruellan (druellan) wrote :

My first experience using Brasero to burn a DVD is awful, and since it is the default tool shipped with Ubuntu, should be revised by the QA team.

What I want:
Burn a mp4 movie transcoded as DVD.

What I get:
Obscure dialog messages, packages needed to be installed via the terminal, and tons of error messages.

From Brasero I selected the "Video Project", dragging a mp4 file to the Window. Brasero recognized the file just fine, and I pushed the "Burn" button.
First message I received was "Installing packages by files isn't supported".
Closing that, I get another dialog with some instructions: "Please install the following manually and try again: mplex (GStreamer plugin), dvdauthor".
Just for testing, I searched for this packages on the Ubuntu Software Center. None found.
Then I searched for Brasero, opening the "more info", taking a look at the Add-ons section. None.
Time for some Terminal work. sudo apt-get install dvdauthor was easy, but I could not find mplex. Since the message says it is a GStreamer plugin, I searched on Google and found that the plugin is part of the gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse, so I installed that.
Closing Brasero, opening it again, now it ask for vcdimager, but odd enough, it autoinstalls the package.
First try, Brasero stopped just before burning anything with a log message: Checking session consistency (brasero_burn_check_session_consistency brasero-burn.c:1739) - Session error : An internal error occurred (brasero_burn_record brasero-burn.c:2856)
Second try, Brasero starts to transcode, and then burn the DVD, but it stop with another log message: 27 - "Some files may be corrupted on the disc".

I ended installing Bombono, that worked just fine on the first try.

My thoughts:
Bugs aside, the experience is not good. Even an advanced user could have problems trying to install the dependencies. If the userflow can't be fixed, better to disable the "Video Project" option.