Comment 28 for bug 587426

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LABOUEBE Michael (gfarmerfr) wrote :

For ATI users :

I've found a simple solution with the ubuntu default install !!!

There are 2 reasons why boinc does not detect the GPU.

1) It start to early (before gdm) so deactivate th autostart via

sudo update-rc.d boinc-client disable

2) It can't connect to xserver because it can't auth to the xserver !!!

Simply type : xhost +
in a terminal with your user then start boinc.

It runs under "boinc" user and detect the GPU :)

I've not tested it but a simple shell script like that at your start session should do th trick with the stock install from ubuntu :

# Authorise "boinc" user to connect the running xserver to detect/use the video card
xhost +
#Just in case sleep 10s
sleep 10
# Start boinc
/etc/init.d/boinc-client start

Be advised that "xhost +" is not very recommended in an open network environnement since it allow anyone to connect to your xserver.