Comment 1 for bug 398538

Revision history for this message
fcestrada (fcestrada) wrote : Re: [Bug 398538] [NEW] Menu item for Boinc at an inapropriate place ("System tools")

> Boinc registers itselfs in the menu under "Applications->Systemtools->Boinc Manager" (in german: "Anwendungen->Systemwerkzeuge->Boinc Manager") which seems to be quite inapropriate to me.
> Boinc has nothing to do with my system, it's just using its resources (like any other application does).

boinc-manager was changed from the section "Apps/Tools" to
"Applications/System/Monitoring" accordingly to the menu hierarchy in
boinc-manager 5.10.8-2.

boinc-manager is a "GUI to control and monitor the BOINC core client"
and the description of this section is: "System information and
monitoring tools, log viewers, etc.". That is why we believe should
belong to that section.

Thanks for your support.

Fernando C. Estrada
<email address hidden> 1024D/45D559A2 2007-08-09
6BC0 293A 9C7A 9DD5 2D12 6DCB 6A99 02A1 45D5 59A2