Comment 11 for bug 353372

Revision history for this message
Daniel Hahler (blueyed) wrote :

Joseph, use "apt-get source boinc" to get the source package for boinc. Then look in debian/patches (003_* is being talked about here).
Also, I could not find the code you're quoting in the current source package. "ack-grep 'Launching browser' -C3" displays some occurrences, but they all go through ExecuteBrowserLink which then calls the (patched) ExecuteLink.

btw: For me, $BROWSER is not set, even when inside Gnome. And I guess it's set for you in interactive shells only (and therefore not for boincmgr).

See also my comments with the Debian bug (order is mixed):

Take a look at the sensible-browser script: it checks $BROWSER first, then gnome-www-browser (in Gnome), then x-www-browser.
So you either have a wrong BROWSER env set or gnome-www-browser is used (and uses the default browser within gnome).

I still cannot see what's really wrong here.