Comment 3 for bug 1173622

Revision history for this message
MestreLion (mestrelion) wrote :

@LocutusOfBorg: I've also noticed a few things regarding icons in boinc package... the 16 and 32 icons are being registered as independent icons, named "boincmgr-16" and "boincmgr-32", and installed to the same path, /usr/share/pixmaps. And the .desktop uses boincmgr-32 only, the 16 one is completely ignored.

I believe it should be the opposite: registered with same name under different paths, so they would be regarded as a single icon (boincmgr) with 2 sizes (16 and 32). The OS would choose and display the appropriate size for each use (launcher/dash/nautilus listings, etc). Icons should be installed in:

Also, the .desktop file should not hardcode the full path '/usr/bin/boincmgr'. Only 'boincmgr' is needed, and it would allow users to create wrappers either locally (/usr/local/) or for their own user (~/.local)

I've cloned the git repo and these look quite easy to fix, I can help you guys and do this myself if you agree with my approach.

I can also include the larger icons, preferably with proper transparency.