Comment 61 for bug 762964

Revision history for this message
Joakim B (superslickjay) wrote :

I run a freshly installed 11.04 with Gnome desktop and experience that bluetooth fails on random occasions. My Logitech MX mouse that also connects with bluetooth (separate logitech adapter) works like a charm, but my Apple bluetooth keyboard with a generic bluetooth dongle just won't work every 2nd reboot or so.

I've solved this until today by rebooting as it magically starts working after reboot. However I made a fix today that doesn't require rebooting:

I put a shell file on my desk called looking like below:
    sudo service bluetooth restart

I then ran sudo visudo and added the below shown line to the end of visudo:
  myusername ALL = NOPASSWD: /home/myusername/Desktop/

As I can use my mouse but not my keyboard, I can click the on my desktop and execute the command without having to write in my password as it's kind of tough to do without a keyboard.

Maybe not the cleanest solution to grant root permissions to the file, but hey, it works!