Comment 5 for bug 399803

Revision history for this message
Ulisses Furquim (ulissesf) wrote :

Hi Fredrik,

I don't think there's something in your .gnome directories that might be causing this or could give us some hint.

When you installed 9.04 several components have changed, including the kernel. Something in the bluetooth stack in the kernel might be causing this or even in the btusb driver.

You can start debugging by running bluetoothd with "-d" command line switch and maybe also recompiling bluetooth ALSA plugin (included in bluez-alsa binary package) with debug output to see what's happenning. Besides that, hcidump logs might be helpful to capture with root user by running: "hcidump -X -V". This is for the bluetooth related parts as I'm guessing that's where the problem is.

It's a good idea to test other adapters and wired headphones before installing karmic. This might give us some clues before digging deeper into this problem.