Comment 107 for bug 343727

Revision history for this message
John K (jkadlecik) wrote :

I too took the plunge and upgraded (not clean install) Karmic Notebook Remix on my Asus eee 1000. Brief history, I had Microsoft Mouse 5000 pairing problems too. The work around turned out to be a permanent fix in Jaunty.

After the upgrade was complete, and reboot, the mouse would not pair. After trying the icon, system folder blue tooth utility which looks the same as in Jaunty, no attempt would pair the mouse even after deleting the mouse profile, rebooting and attempt a re-pair of the blue tooth device. I went to synaptic package manager out of frustration and re-installed all packages that started with "blue" and were related to blue tooth. Reboot next. Using the utility in the system folder, the mouse paired and has been connected since, even after several reboots. It is slow to re-pair after sleep mode, about 10 minutes of inactivity but it does come back after touching the touch pad. My assumption is that a file was corrupt or did not upgrade. I did take notice and look for a package with the mark in it for upgrade in Synaptic package manager but saw none for blue*.

The second issue was that my second SSD drive was not recognized and I feared was gone with my /home data on it. I will post the fix for that in a different bug and fix. Both of these were scary issues.

Good luck.