Comment 127 for bug 32415

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neskweek (sebastiencapou) wrote : Re: Bluetooth Mouse and Keyboard Broken in Dapper/Edgy/Feisty


I've got a Dinovo Keyboard set (First Generation) installed on a PC (Intel Pentium III Prescot E)
After some times on Gentoo I have installed a Kubuntu feisty with the alternate CD.

My box is running the 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP kernel.

I have this problem too. Having spend some times fuguring out on my gentoo how to make work the dinovo set, I've tried looking why kubuntu didn't do it.

First it can work by doing by hand :

hidd --connect AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF (Mouse or whatever)
hidd --connect AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:GG (keybord or whatever)
hidd --connect AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:HH (Mediapad or whatever)

Like in other distros by the way. The first time you HAVE TO hidd --connect your device by hand. (don't know why)
The problem is then when you reboot it don't keep the config (other distros does or may)

in /etc/default/bluetooth doesn't change this
nor in /etc/init.d/bluettoth

HIDD_OPTIONS=" --connect AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF --connect AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:GG --master --server"
doesn't make it either (it may by the way but since you make a connect for the first time you need, on dinovo devices, to press a connection button, it doesn't work for that reason : you need to press the buttons on your devices at each boot.)

The most strange thing comes here :

I've tried to make an hcitool scan ... and nothing came. So I tried an hciconfig on the /dev/hci0... it didn't exists :
Normally it shouldhave : when you boot /etc/init.d/bluetooth it launches hid2hci script which create an /dev/hci0 device from /dev/hiddev0.

so I tried to run hid2hci manually... it gives on the console :
Switching device 046d:c704 to HCI mode was successful
But here is what I get in /var/log/messages :