Comment 12 for bug 1941977

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Brian Ejike (bejike) wrote (last edit ):

Nope, if anything, it's even worse. On Indri, the PC audio doesn't even get streamed over SCO at all -- the media channel just gets disconnected when Bluez times out in the middle of an AVDTP SET_CONFIGURATION. Here, as before, both headset and Bluez are jockeying for first to connect/setup A2DP and the headset isn't handling this contest well. At the end of the whole thing, the headset just disconnects and the PC audio plays through the internal speakers.

Bluez needs to wait for the designated 2s already in its code, before attempting to connect any profiles it suspects the other side failed to connect.

I've attached snoop and syslogs taken during the Indri test. There should be more than enough data here already for someone to check this out, especially with the explanation offered in earlier comments.