Comment 24 for bug 1903048

Revision history for this message
Tony Molloy (tmolloy) wrote : [Bug 1903048] Re: Bluetooth won't activate on the pi 400

Just to close the loop, I've just made fresh SD and USB boot disks from
the latest current Mate 20.10 image and both don't have working
Bluetooth, Ive updated both with the ppa and now both do work and I can
use mouse and headphones with no problems. I have no idea why my
original USB boot of Mate 20.10 didnt work after patching, there must be
another problem with it as well, my apologies for any confusion caused
by that.

Martin and Alan have been nagging us 'ordinary' people to get involved
and contribute where we can to help you out if possible, that's all I
was trying to do. Thanks for the patch, hope you get it upstreamed, etc OK.

Best wishes
