Comment 19 for bug 1903048

Revision history for this message
David Krauser (davidkrauser) wrote :

On Ubuntu 20.10 MATE on a pi400, I ran through the following steps:

* Boot the Ubuntu 20.10 MATE for Pi image on a Pi 400 (Was not a fresh installation)
* Start the Settings application and switch to the Bluetooth tab
* Verify that Bluetooth is not enabled and attempting to activate it fails
* sudo add-apt-repository ppa:waveform/pi-bluetooth
* sudo apt update
* sudo apt install bluez # I noticed there were other packages in the PPA that I did not install
* sudo nvi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/waveform-ubuntu-pi-bluetooth-groovy.list # Comment out PPA
* sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
* sudo reboot
* Start the Settings application and switch to the Bluetooth tab
* Pair a set of AirPods
* Ensure I can hear audio through the AirPods

Everything seemed to work as expected. Thank you for the patches :-)