Comment 4 for bug 1301962

Revision history for this message
Michael Schaller (misch-9) wrote :

Looks like we get the error on restart of the bluetooth service because the dbus service reload failed beforehand. Unfortunately the reload error of the dbus service is ignored which makes troubleshooting harder than it would need to be. IMHO this is an error in the bluez.postinst script.

# restart dbus
dbus start/running, process 22184
# start bluetooth
start: Job is already running: bluetooth
# dpkg --configure bluez ; echo "exit code: $?"
Setting up bluez (4.101-0ubuntu11) ...
reload: Method "Reload" with signature "" on interface "com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.Instance" doesn't exist

invoke-rc.d: initscript dbus, action "force-reload" failed.
exit code: 0

Can we update the bluez.postinst script to not ignore errors if the dbus service reload fails?