Comment 84 for bug 123920

Revision history for this message
Rob Bruce (r-bruce) wrote :

And it's back again in 12.04!

Wireless keyboard and mouse work fine at POST and grub, then disappear when the OS loads and can't be re-connected.

lsusb and dmesg report the same thing as Dhanish above.

Work-around is editing 97-bluetooth-hid2hci.rules, again just as Dhanish described above.

I also noticed that when I first booted with my backup keyboard/mouse, that when I brought up the Bluetooth configuration by clicking the tray icon that I now had two adapters! The system recognized both my "real" Bluetooth adapter -- the one I use to pair with phones, etc. -- and the adapter for the Logitech keyboard/mouse. In addition, this "new" adapter had become my default one. When the keyboard/mouse is operating normally, the Logitech adapter doesn't appear here. After fixing 97-bluetooth-hid2hci.rules and rebooting, the supernumerary adapter disappears from the Bluetooth configuration (as expected).

Finally, since there seems to be nothing that can be done about this problem that recurs with each distribution upgrade, I have composed a little Haiku:

Springtime and Autumn
I grab old keyboard and mouse
For distro upgrade.