Comment 16 for bug 1883880

Revision history for this message
Christian Ehrhardt  (paelzer) wrote :


root@b:~# echo "vmovaps 0x40(,%rax,1),%zmm0" | as --64 -o avx.o && objdump -d avx.o | grep vmovaps
   0: 62 f1 7c 48 28 04 05 vmovaps 0x1(,%rax,1),%zmm0


root@b:~# echo "vmovaps 0x40(,%rax,1),%zmm0" | as --64 -o avx.o && objdump -d avx.o | grep vmovaps
   0: 62 f1 7c 48 28 04 05 vmovaps 0x40(,%rax,1),%zmm0

Setting verified, but please feel free to
a) keep this in proposed a bit longer
b) @Harry could you test the proposed changes to the OVS build system again?