Comment 29 for bug 1954854

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Sergio Durigan Junior (sergiodj) wrote :

Thanks for the feedback, Michael.

First of all, let me say that we appreciate the help you've been providing here. Given that we are not able to reproduce the bug here, we depend on your reports in order to make progress and take decisions regarding it.

Unfortunately, I think it will be hard for us to keep working on this issue as is. Bisecting it may indeed be a good next step, but since it can take a long time (1 month) for the bug to manifest to you, we may be looking at spending many months trying to pinpoint exactly what the issue is and when it was introduced.

I will add this bug to my long term TODO list and try to investigate it a bit more when I have the time (which may never happen), because I vaguely remember thinking about other approaches to try and fix it using the commit I mentioned in my previous comment (#21).

Meanwhile, as I said above, it seems that unfortunately we won't be able to dedicate much more time investigating this bug. I will lower its priority to reflect that, but will also change its status to Confirmed (not Triaged because we weren't able to reproduce it).

If you happen to find more information about the bug, or (even better) if you find ways to reproduce it, don't hesitate to let us know.