Comment 10 for bug 27358

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In , Roland Mas (lolando) wrote : Re: Bug#344032: [344032] bugfix for: bbdb: File error: "Cannot open load file", "bbdb-autoloads"

Erich Waelde (2006-01-06 16:05:53 +0100) :

> Hi all,
> 1. The installation of bbdb fails due to a bug in
> /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/bbdb/lisp/Makefile The single quotes make
> the ending backslashes show up in the lisp code passed to emacs.

Hmm. So it's still a bug in bbdb (or in its packaging, more
probably), but it was probably triggered by the recent change in make
changing the syntax of makefiles.

Roland Mas

Bada, bada, ba-da-da-daaa, doudou, doudou, dou-dou-dou-dou-baaa.
  -- in Song without words #1 (Paul Leavitt)