Comment 11 for bug 315932

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Dustin Kirkland  (kirkland) wrote : Re: [Bug 315932] Re: [PATCH] Add desktop notification of completed commands

Okay, so this Thursday (August 12th) is FeatureFreeze for Maverick.

If any of this is going to make Maverick, we need to upload something ASAP.

While I would love to see this all automatic and automagic, I just
don't think it's going to get any better than this right now for
Maverick (given my other work items):

  alias alert='notify-send -i "$([ $? = 0 ] && echo gnome-terminal ||
echo error)" "$(history|tail -n1|sed -e

I'm happy adding this to Ubuntu's default bash .profile installed.
Users who want to use this feature, will 'sudo apt-get install
libnotify-bin' and then append the "; alert" onto the end of commands
that they want to be alerted about.

Ideally, this "feature" will be useful enough to people that we can
get a full spec about the "best" way to implement this in Maverick+1
in a by-default, automatic, automagic manner.

What do you think?