Comment 9 for bug 1372286

Revision history for this message
latimerio (fomember) wrote :

> Did you mean ln -s /tmp /tmpX ?

Sorry. Yes I meant ln -s /tmp /tmpX.
Thanks for pointing me to do tests as non root.
I usually don't work on the desktop but only do admin tasks over ssh.

We have a link /applics -> /nfs/AppServer/applics on all our clients.
If I do as regular user: ls /applics<TAB> or ll /applics<TAB> , I get a '/' appended as expected in both cases
If I do as root: ls /applics<TAB> I also get the '/' appended
  but if I do as root: ll /applics<TAB> I get a space appended

Our site has about 250 hosts with HP-UX, RH9, RHEL4, RHEL5, ubuntu 10, ubuntu 12 and ubuntu 14 (all in LTS) and the described problem only occurred with the arrival of ubuntu 14.