Comment 0 for bug 1361404

Revision history for this message
Mike Gerow (gerow) wrote :

1) The release of Ubuntu you are using, via 'lsb_release -rd' or System -> About Ubuntu
Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS
2) The version of the package you are using, via 'apt-cache policy pkgname' or by checking in Software Center
3) What you expected to happen
When I type in bash:
> ls ~/.bash*<Tab><Tab>
I expected to see completions like
.bash_history .bash_logout .bashrc
4) What happened instead
Nothing happens, I get no completions.

In another case if I have a bunch of .deb files in my current directory I would expect:

> ls *.deb<Tab><Tab>

To suggest something like:

bash-completion_2.1-4_all.deb my-other-package_128.deb

But it does not.

I can add a line like this to my .bashrc:

compopt -o bashdefault ls

And it will make it to where globbing completion works for ls, but not for every other command. In order to do so I have to modify my /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion and change line 1954 from

# set up dynamic completion loading
1944: _completion_loader()
1945: {
1946: local compfile=./completions
1947: [[ $BASH_SOURCE == */* ]] && compfile="${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/completions"
1948: compfile+="/${1##*/}"
1950: # Avoid trying to source dirs;
1951: [[ -f "$compfile" ]] && . "$compfile" &>/dev/null && return 124
1953: # Need to define *something*, otherwise there will be no completion at all.
1954: complete -F _minimal "$1" && return 124
1955: } &&
1956: complete -D -F _completion_loader


# set up dynamic completion loading
1944: _completion_loader()
1945: {
1946: local compfile=./completions
1947: [[ $BASH_SOURCE == */* ]] && compfile="${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/completions"
1948: compfile+="/${1##*/}"
1950: # Avoid trying to source dirs;
1951: [[ -f "$compfile" ]] && . "$compfile" &>/dev/null && return 124
1953: # Need to define *something*, otherwise there will be no completion at all.
1954: complete -F _minimal -o bashdefault "$1" && return 124
1955: } &&
1956: complete -D -F _completion_loader

This will be overwritten when I upgrade bash-completion, though.