Comment 0 for bug 764321

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George Karavasilev (kokoto-java) wrote : Launcher quicklists for the default apps are sucky

One of the things that has been bugging with Unity is the lack or quicklists for the default apps. Firefox has only a "New Window" quicklist and Banshee has no quicklists at all. Surely this quicklists can be added with editing the .desktop, but it would be way better if they come by default. So what I did is that I edited the .desktop files for firefox and banshee and added "Open a New Tab" for Firefox and "Play", "Pause", "Stop", "Previous" and "next" for Banshee. Check the .desktop files attached. I know it is not a lot actions I've added but I am planing to add more today. The .desktop files have been tested on Natty installation and they work.