Comment 11 for bug 878627

Revision history for this message
Chow Loong Jin (hyperair) wrote :

Alright, I've reproduced this issue with a Banshee window, and have taken a series of screenshots to explain my observations:-

1. As you can see in unmaximized.png, the Banshee window is focused, but the left triangle for the Banshee icon is empty, indicating that it isn't in the current workspace (although it really is).
2. In maximized.png, you can see that the window title is missing from the panel, although the Banshee window is focused.
3. In expo.png, you can see that Banshee is in workspace 8, and that is the current workspace.
4. In menubar.png you can see what happens when you hover the cursor over the panel -- the wrong menubar appears. That menubar is meant for Thunderbird, which is in workspace 9.
5. In ring switcher (all workspaces).png, you can see that the ring switcher allows for switching to the Banshee window, and that it is on workspace 8 as shown by the -[8]- suffix. This also shows that the ring switcher knows (correctly) which workspace Banshee's window is on.
6. In scale expanded.png, produced from right clicking a window in scale/spread switcher mode, same observation as from #5.

Apport crash will be uploaded shortly.