Comment 1 for bug 1429445

Revision history for this message
Baruch Youssin (quququitty) wrote :

After a reboot, the behavior changed: there was no icon initially (as opposed to one LibreOffice Calc icon when LibreOffice was not running which was before the reboot). When I oppened one xls file, one LibreOffice Calc icon appeared. When I opened two more ods files, two icons appeared for each one: one LibreOffice Calc icon and one LibreOffice 4.4 icon. When I closed the original xls, its one LibreOffice Calc icon disappeared with 4 other icons remaining.
The attached screenshot shows these 4 icons that control two ods files.
When I reopened the same xls again, another two icons appeared similarly to the ods files (one LibreOffice Calc icon and one LibreOffice 4.4 icon).
When I opened a doc file, just one more LibreOffice 4.4 icon appeared.