Comment 164 for bug 1026426

Revision history for this message
theghost (theghost) wrote :

@krycheck: The order has no influence, as in general always the highest version is preferred, in this case LO 4.1. Additionally, there is no newer version of BAMF in proposed right now, this means having proposed activated or not, has no influence here.

Most likely, Ubuntu has patched it's Libreoffice version in it's repos and this patch is not included upstream in 4.1.
But maybe, Ubuntu patched BAMF to only work with LibreOffice 3.5 from the repos. Who knows...

If you want proper working LO, either use another Desktop Environment or use the 3.5 version of Ubuntu's repos.
All in all, 3.5.7 is a good version as it is much more stable, than the latest versions of LibreOffice, but that's just my experience in productivity use.